

Rabu, 18 September 2024

International Grade 7 Science Tryout Question Grid 2024

1. Students can correctly identify the branch of Earth Science represented by a picture of the solar system.

2. Students can correctly identify the substance associated with a given hazard symbol.

3. Students can correctly identify the independent variable in an experiment about  plants to see how different liquids affect plant growth.

4. Students can correctly identify which quantity among a given list is not included in the base quantities of the International System of Units (SI).

5. Students can correctly identify the SI unit based a picture of measuring tool.

6. Students can correctly identify the most appropriate measuring instrument for determining the diameter of a ring.

7. Students can correctly determine the mass of an object using a lever balance and provide the measurement in grams,

8. Students can correctly conclude about uses two different measuring instruments to measure the volume of liquid.  

9. Students can correctly determine the actual length of a toothbrush based on the given picture and provide the measurement in appropriate units. 

10. Students can correctly identify the action that should not be done inside the laboratory based on the given picture.

11. Students can correctly explain that when a solid is melting, its particles move farther apart. 

12. Students can correctly identify the change of state for ice cubes placed in an empty glass after an hour. 

13. Students can correctly identify the state of matter (solid, liquid, or gas) of substance X at room temperature based on the arrangement of its particles shown in the figure. 

14. Students can correctly identify that diffusion occurs faster in a gas than in a liquid. 

15. Students can correctly identify the pair that is matched correctly based on the information provided (process change of matter and its example) in the table.

16. Students can correctly identify that the study of speed and motion of an object falls under. 

17. Students can correctly arrange the steps of a scientific investigation in the correct order. 

18. Students can correctly identify the amount of fertilizer as the “independent variable”.

19. Students can correctly determine which student finished the quiz the fastest based on the given picture of the stopwatch.

20. Students can correctly calculate the difference in volume between the stone and the cork based on the given picture.

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