

Minggu, 28 November 2021

Kisi-kisi Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester IPA 2021

Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh 

Akhir semester ganjil ini akan segera terlewati di akhir 2021 melalui Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS). Agar kalian sukses mengerjakan soal-soal PAS mata pelajaran IPA yang diselenggarakan Kamis 2 Desember 2021, dapat mempelajari kisi-kisi soal PAS IPA sebagai berikut. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat digunakan dalam belajar menghadapi PAS IPA. Selamat belajar dan tetap terus semangat ya. 

  1. Disajikan gambar tulang manusia, peserta didik dapat menentukan nama-nama tulang yang dihubungkan oleh persendian yang ditunjuk oleh gambar.  
  2. Disajikan pernyataan tentang kebiasaan peserta didik dalam membawa ransel yang terlalu berat di bagian punggungnya, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis kelainan tulang belakang yang terjadi sesuai pernyataan tersebut.
  3. Peserta didik dapat menentukan zat yang terdapat pada tulang orang dewasa dengan tulang anak-anak. 
  4. Disajikan berbagai gambar gerak tumbuhan, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis gerak tumbuhan berdasar gambar.
  5. Disajikan gambar hasil dari pola tetesan oli dari benda yang bergerak, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis gerak benda tersebut. 
  6. Peserta didik dapat menentukan peristiwa yang benar sesuai bukti hukum Newton III 
  7. Disajikan beberapa gambar pesawat sederhana, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis pesawat sederhana yang termasuk bidang miring. 
  8. Disajikan gambar tuas, peserta didik dapat menentukan pergeseran titik tumpu apabila mengalami pergesaran titik kuasa. 
  9. Disajikan gambar pengungkit, peserta didik dapat menghitung gaya yang ditimbulkan bila lengan kuasa 10 m, lengan beban 20 m, dan berat benda 100N. 
  10. Disajikan gambar tiga jenis katrol, peserta didik dapat menentukan keuntungan mekanik yang ditimbulkan oleh masing-masing katrol 
  11. Peserta didik dapat menentukan lokasi dari stele batang. 
  12. Disajikan gambar jaringan daun tumbuhan, peserta didik dapat menentukan fungsi dari jaringan yang ditunjuk. 
  13. Disajikan gambar anatomi akar, peserta didik dapat menentukan fungsi dari struktur jaringan akar yang ditunjuk. 
  14. Disajikan gambar anatomi jaringan batang, peserta didik dapat menentukan bagian jaringan yang berfungsi sebagai pengangkut dan penyimpan cadangan makanan. 
  15. Peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis organ tumbuhan yang diterapkan fungsinya dalam alat teknologi pembangkit listrik tenaga surya. 
  16. Disajikan pernyataan mengenai hasil percobaan uji makanan, peserta didik dapat menentukan kandungan bahan makanan dari hasil percobaan itu. 
  17. Disajikan pernyataan mengenai kadar gula dalam darah ketika berpuasa, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis makanan yang paling baik untuk segera memulihkan kondisi tubuh setelah berpuasa.
  18. Disajikan pernyataan mengenai kertas yang menjadi transparan ketika membungkus makanan, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan alasan dari peristiwa tersebut. 
  19. Disajikan gambar organ pencernaan, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan fungsi organ pencernaan sesuai gambar yang ditunjuk. 
  20. Disajikan gambar sistem pencernaan manusia, peserta didik dapat menentukan bagian organ pencernaan yang mencerna protein dan lemak.
  21. Disajikan tabel perbedaan struktur dan fungsi pembuluh darah, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis pembuluh darah yang benar sesuai struktur dan fungsinya. 
  22. Disajikan ciri-ciri dari sel darah, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis sel darah berdasar ciri-ciri sel darah tersebut. 
  23. Peserta didik dapat menentukan fungsi pembuluh darah arteri, vena, dan kapiler. 
  24. Disajikan gambar sistem peredaran darah, peserta didik dapat menentukan urutan peredaran darah kecil dan peredaran darah besar.
  25. Disajikan pernyataan mengenai hasil diagnosa suatu penyakit, peserta didik dapat menentukan gangguan fungsi sel darah akibat hasil diagnosa tersebut. 

The Grid Question of Odd Final Semester Asessment 2021

Assalamualaikum warohamtuloohi wabarokatuh

How are the students in class VIII-G and VIII-H? Hopefully you will always be in a healthy condition and stay enthusiastic in carrying out Final Assessment. There are 25 multiple choice questions for this exam. Here are there materials for this exam : 

1.       Students can mention the right statements of about ribs. 

2.       Presented the example of bones, students can determine the type of joint. 

3.       Presented a picture of a diagram shows muscles and bones in a person’s arm, students happens to the muscles as the weight is lowered.

4.       Presented a picture of bone injury, students determine the kind of bone injury.

5.      Students can calculate the work is produced when 500 N is used to move a car 10 m?

6.    Presented a picture of a object, students determine class of lever from this object.

7.       Presented four picture of inclined planes, students determine greatest amount of force is required to move the object from the inclined planes. 

8.       Students can calculate the efforts if the object 1000 N lifted by a moveable pulley. 

9.       Students can calculate the acceleration if the object travels a distance 500 m and need a time of 50 minutes. 

10.   Presented a diagram shows a cross-section through a plant root, students can determine the part that is stained red when the root is placed in water containing a red dye. 

11.   Presented a diagram shows two shoots at the start of an experiment on transpiration, students determine the results that shows on the spring balances after three days. 

12.   Students can mention the water travels from the roots to a leaf.

13.   Presented a list of a word equation for photosynthesis, students can determine the correct word equation for photosynthesis.

14.   Presented a picture of one of plant movements, students determine the kind of plant movements

15.   Presented the speed-time graph for a car journey, students determine the car moving at constant speed. 

16.   Students determine a kind of simple machine if a rod that is fixed to the center of a wheel allowing the wheel to rotate.

17.   Students can mention the characteristic of first Newton's law if  an object with a net force of zero acting 

18.   Presented the statement about the moving object movements, students mention the type of force object. 

19.   Presented the table shows the main contents of four meals, students determine the most effective food for prevent constipation.

20.   Students can determine the kind of enzyme to breakdown of fats to fatty acids and glycerol.

21.   Presented diagram shows part of the digestive system, students can mention the function of the liquid produced and released based in the diagram. 

22.   Presented diagram shows the human alimentary canal, students can mention the part which the most glucose absorbed into the blood.

23.   Students can mention the best treatment best for a person with persistent diarrhoea.

24.   Presented diagram shows a circulatory system, students determine the vessels carry oxygenated blood.

25.   Presented diagram shows a human heart and some of its major blood vessels, students determine if labelled part blockage and causing of coronary heart diseases.

Hopefully the students of class VIII-G and VIII-H will be given fluency in answering science exam questions which will be held on Thursday, December 2, 2021. Keep the enthusiasm for learning and always keep your health. Aamin

 Wassalamualaikum warohmatulloghi wabarokatuh.


Selasa, 16 November 2021

The Grid of Asessment II Science International Class (VIII-G and VIII-H) 2021

Assalamualaikum warohamtuloohi wabarokatuh

How are the students in class VIII-G and VIII-H? Hopefully you will always be in a healthy condition and stay enthusiastic in carrying out science try out (asessment) II International Class. There are 15 multiple choice questions questions for this assesment. Here are there materials for try out science of class VIII-G and VIII-H : 

1. Students explain the characteristic of xylem and phloem

2. Students explain the function of xylem and phloem 

3. Students explain the characteristic of taproot system and fibrous root system

4. Students explain the main function of root

5. Presented the picture of a cross sectional diagram of plant organs, students explain the part of that organs?

6. Students explain the main function of stem

7. Students explain the function of stomata 

8. Students explain the function of guard cells in stomata   

9. Students explain the product of photosynthesis

10. Students explain the main reason why in investigate the rate of photosynthesis in plants using water-plants 

11. Students explain the characteristic of light reaction between dark reaction in photosynhesis 

12. Presented the picture of leafy celery stalks into color water in a beaker overnight, students predicted why the color of the celery leaves changed from green to red and how the way of colour water to the leaves.

13. Students mention the equation for respiration in plant

14. Students explain what happens with stomata during photosynthesis.

15. Students explain the pathway of water through a plant

Hopefully the students of class VIII-G and VIII-H will be given fluency in answering science tryout which will be held on Thursday, November 25, 2021. Keep the enthusiasm for learning and always keep your health. Aamin

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh.