

Selasa, 22 Februari 2022

Kisi – Kisi Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) 2022 IPA Kelas VIII-E

Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh. 

Makan pecel minumnya es teler, tetap semangat belajar selama penilaian tengah semester 🙂 bagaimana kabar anak-anak kelas VIII-E? Semoga kalian semua dalam kondisi sehat dan tetap semangat belajar ya di tengah pandemi covid -19 ini. Berikut bapak sampaikan kisi-kisi untuk belajar penilaian tengah semester pada Kamis (24/2) besok ya. Semoga bermanfaat.

1. Peserta didik dapat menentukan upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperoleh tekanan yang kecil dan tekanan yang besar.

2. Disajikan data tabel mengenai hubungan tekanan udara dengan ketinggian, peserta didik menentukan pernyataan yang BENAR berdasar data tersebut.
3. Disajikan gambar dua piston yang memiliki luas area 50 m^2 dan 1000 m^2. Salah satu piston mengangkat beban sebesar 20.000 N, peserta didik dapat menghitung besar gaya yang dilakukan di piston lainnya untuk mengangkat beban tersebut. 

4. Peserta dapat menghitung tekanan hidrostatis yang dialami oleh penyelam bila penyelam berada pada 1000 m diatas permukan air laut dengan percepatan gravitasi g = 10 m/s2 dan massa jenis air 1000 kg/m3.

5. Disajikan gambar dua benda yang ditimbang di udara dan ditimbang di dalam air. Peserta dapat menghitung gaya ke atas yang menekan benda apabila benda dengan berat di udara 100 N dan ditimbang di dalam air berat benda menjadi 50 N. 

6. Disajikan gambar organ pernapasan manusia, peserta didik dapat menentukan mekanisme yang terjadi pada organ pernapasan tersebut.

7. Disajikan data fase inspirasi dan ekspirasi, peserta didik dapat menentukan fase yang benar ketika terjadi ekspirasi perut dan inspirasi perut.

8. Disajikan aktivitas pernapasan manusia, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis volume pernapasan yang dilakukan.

9. Disajikan fase pernapasan manusia, peserta didik dapat menentukan fase mekanisme pernapasan yang terjadi ekspirasi dan inspirasi. 

10. Peserta didik dapat menentukan langkah-langkah untuk mencegah terpaparnya bahaya covid-19. 

11. Peserta didik dapat menghitung gaya untuk mengangkat benda bila sebuah dongkrak hidrolik mengangkat benda dengan massa 10 ton serta luas penampang piston pengisap besar 0,4 m2 . Jika luas penampang piston pengisap kecil 0,04 m2 . Percepatan gravitasi 9,8 N/m3.

12. Peserta didik dapat menyebutkan kandungan yang terdapat dalam rokok dan dampaknya bagi kesehatan tubuh terutama sistem organ pernapasan.

The Grid Question of Science Mid Term Examination of International Class 2022

Assalamualaikum warohamtuloohi wabarokatuh

How are the students in class VIII-G and VIII-H? Hopefully you will always be in a healthy condition and stay enthusiastic in carrying out science mid term examination of International Class. There are 10 multiple choice questions questions and 2 essay for this exam. Here are there materials for mid term science examination of class VIII-G and VIII-H : 

1. Student can mention an example of force acting over a large area to produce a small pressure.

2. Presented the data about investigate pressure. The data of the table gives the weight of each person and total area of contact between the person and the nails. Student can which person experiences the least pressure from the nails.

3. Student can calculate the pressure exerted at the base of the dam due to the water if the depth of the water is 100 m. The density of the water is 2000 kg/m^3. The gravitional filed strenght g is 10 N/kg. 

4. Students can determine the equation used to find the pressure caused by a liquid can be written as P = x A x B where p is the pressure and h is the depth of the liquid. Which the right things gives the quantities A and B.

5. Students can calculate the force acting on the plug due to the water if a washbasin has an exit pipe coverede with a plug of area 28 cm^2. A chain is attached to the centre of the plug to assist in pulling the plug away from the exit hole. The washbasin contains water to a depth of 0.16 m. The density of the water is 1000 kg/m^3. 

6. Students can determine the route is taken by air passing into the lungs of a human.

7. Students can determine the place that exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. 

8. Students can mention the reason the pleural cavity have fluid.

9. Students can mention which of the following happens when you inhale and exhale. 

10. Students can mention which respiratory disorder causes the muscles around the bronchial tubes to tighten from time to time and restricts breathing.

11. Students can calculate the force exerted by the other piston if in hydraulic press a force of 40 N is applied to a piston of area 0.40 m^2. The area of the other piston is 4 m^2. 

12. Presented the figure of the human gas exchange system, students can mention the part of the name of that organ respiratory system and its function. 

Hopefully the students of class VIII-G and VIII-H will be given fluency in answering science tryout which will be held on Friday, February 24, 2022. Keep the enthusiasm for learning and always keep your health. Aamin

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh.

Selasa, 15 Februari 2022

The Grid of Asessment III Science International Class (VIII-G and VIII-H) 2022

 Assalamualaikum warohamtuloohi wabarokatuh

How are the students in class VIII-G and VIII-H? Hopefully you will always be in a healthy condition and stay enthusiastic in carrying out science try out (asessment) III International Class. There are 15 multiple choice questions questions for this assesment. Here are there materials for try out science of class VIII-G and VIII-H : 

1. Presented the statement about a man stand on the ground, students which action of the man about the pressure the body exerts on the ground.

2. Presented the data about the pressure and the density of the liquid, students can calculate the depth of the object below the surface of the liquid. 

3. Students explain a barometer measure 

4. Presented a picture of a chair placed on protective cups to prevent damage to the carpet underneath it, students explain how do the cups change the area of cantct with the carpet and the pressure on it.

5. Presented a data the height of the object below the surface of a liquid and the pressure of it, students explain the density of the liquid.

6. Presented four different liquids are poured into four container in diagrams shows the depth and the density of liquid in eash container. students determine the presure on its base. 

7. Students determine the situation about the example of a force acting over large area to produce small pressure.

8. Students explain the main function of the respiratory system. 

9. Students determine the route if the air passing into the lungs of a human.

10. Presented a picture of respiratory organ, students determine the name of the organ based on that picture.

11. Students determine the organ of respiratory system if block the food the way by food goes wind pipe.

12. Students explain the happens when you exhale (expiration). 

13. Presented a picture about the expiration dan the inspiration, students determine the TRUE about the picture.

14. Students determine the FACT about the covid -19.

15. Students determine the diseases about the respiratory system.

Hopefully the students of class VIII-G and VIII-H will be given fluency in answering science tryout which will be held on Wednesday, February 16, 2022. Keep the enthusiasm for learning and always keep your health. Aamin

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh.