

Senin, 30 September 2024

Mid-Semester Summative Question Grid for Odd Semester Science Class VII International 2024

Assalamualaikum warohamtuloohi wabarokatuh

How are the students in class VII-F, VII-G, and VII-H? Hopefully you will always be in a healthy condition and stay enthusiastic in carrying out Mid-Term Summative Assessment. There are 20 multiple choice questions and 5 essay questions for this exam. Here are there materials for Science Exam of Class VII International.
  1. Presented with a statement about an experiment regarding the effect of the length of a pendulum on the time it takes to make one swing, students can determine the two appropriate laboratory equipment.
  2. Students can identify what science skill is being discussed when someone describes changes in parameters such as location, direction, shape, size, volume, and mass over time.
  3. A statement is presented regarding an experiment to measure the volume of a liquid using two different measuring instruments and the results are recorded as follows. The volume of the liquid is 5 mL when measuring instrument X is used and the volume of liquid is 5.05 mL when using measuring instrument Y. The actual volume of the liquid is 5 .05 mL. Students can conclude the results of using appropriate measuring instruments based on the results of the experiment.
  4. A picture is presented showing the reading of a thread micrometer measuring instrument when used to measure the diameter of object X. Students can calculate the diameter of object X based on the picture.
  5. An image of the results of measuring the thickness of a piece of wire is presented. Then the wire is wrapped tightly around a pencil, students can calculate the thickness of the wire based on the picture.
  6. Presented with pictures and statements regarding the experimental steps regarding measuring the weight of a stone dipped in water, students can analyze the weight of a stone dipped in water
  7. An image is presented showing the position of the eye for reading liquids in a measuring cup, students can determine the position of the eye when a parallax error occurs and the correct scale reading.
  8. Presented with an image showing footprints found on a wet floor, students can calculate the approximate area of ​​the footprint.
  9. Presented with statements regarding the boiling point of water varying at different heights, ranging from 80°C to 100°C, students can identify the most accurate boiling point readings at different heights on the correct Celsius Thermometer.
  10. Students can state the advantages of using standard units.
  11. Students can determine examples of substances or objects with the physical characteristics of water that have particles with the highest kinetic energy.
  12. Students can explain the reasons why the particles move further apart when a solid melts.
  13. Presented with a picture showing the arrangement of particles of substance X at room temperature, students can name examples of substances or objects based on the picture.
  14. Presented with a statement regarding the factors that influence faster diffusion in gases than in liquids, students can determine the correct reason for this statement.
  15. Presented an experiment carried out by filling two jars with carbon dioxide and hydrogen, students can analyze if the lid separating the two jars is removed how the contents of gas cylinder X will be after a few minutes.
  16. Presented with a statement about if a drop of red ink is placed at the bottom of a glass filled with water, students can analyze what happens to the water which turns red because of the ink particles after a few minutes.
  17. Presented with a statement about putting several ice cubes in an empty glass and leaving it for a while, students can determine the correct statement by showing the change in the shape of the ice cubes after one hour.
  18. A table is presented regarding the process of changing the form of substances with examples, students can determine the correct pair based on the table.
  19. Presented a table showing the density of three substances X, Y and Z, students can determine which substance can float on water if the density of water is 1.0 g/cm3.
  20. Presented an article about hot air balloons that soar into the sky with hot air balloons. Students can determine the correct statement regarding why hot air balloons can float into space.
  21. Presented with a list of scientific investigation steps, students can arrange the steps of scientific investigation in the correct order.
  22. Presented with pictures of several equipment commonly used in science laboratories, students can identify two laboratory equipment, namely the first tool functions to hold, mix and heat large amounts of chemicals and liquids. Then the second laboratory tool functions to mix the solution using a small amount of chemicals.
  23. Students can determine the warning symbol that appears on the bottle label in the laboratory if they want to heat 30 ml of ethanol.
  24. Presented with a picture showing a metal block with a mass of 540 g with dimensions of 5 cm long, 3 cm wide and 7 cm high, students can calculate the density (g/cm3) of the metal block.
  25. Presented with an experimental graph showing temperature changes when several ice cubes are heated, students can determine the form of matter or substance that occurs in the graph.

Indikator Soal (Kisi-Kisi) Sumatif Tengah Semester (STS) IPA Kelas VIII Semester Ganjil 2024

Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh. Bagaimana kabar peserta didik kelas VIII? Semoga kalian semua dalam kondisi sehat dan tetap semangat belajar ya. Berikut bapak sampaikan indikator soal untuk belajar Sumatif Tengah Semester (STS) IPA untuk kelas reguler. Ada 20 soal pilihan ganda dan 5 soal uraian. Tips sukses untuk STS yaitu dipelajari dan dikerjakan tiap indikator soal. Semoga bermanfaat ya.

1. Peserta didik dapat menentukan ilmuwan kali pertama melihat sel-sel dengan mikroskop.

2. Disajikan dua gambar jenis mikroskop, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis mikroskop berdasarkan jumlah lensa obyektif. 

3. Peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis mikroskop yang memanfaatkan cahaya matahari untuk melihat sebuah objek.

4. Peserta didik dapat menentukan jumlah perbesaran untuk melihat objek pada mikroskop elektron. 

5. Disjaikan pernyataan mengenai cara menggunakan mikroskop, peserta didik dapat menentukan cara menggunakan mikroskop setelah objek glass (preparat) berisi sel diletakkan di atas lubang meja mikroskop.

6. Peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis lensa pada bagian optik mikroskop. 

7. Disajikan gambar sel hewan, peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi pasangan antara nama organel sel beserta fungsinya dengan tepat.  

8. Disajikan pernyataan dan gambar sel hewan beserta sel tumbuhan, peserta didik dapat menentukan nama organel sel beserta fungsinya dengan tepat.  

9. Disajikan  pernyataan dan gambar sel hewan beserta sel tumbuhan, peserta didik dapat menentukan nama orgnel sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan. 

10. Disajikan daftar ciri-ciri makhluk hidup berdasarkan banyaknya jumlah sel dan keberadaan membran sel, peserta didik dapat menentukan ciri protista. 

11. Disajikan gambar penampang jaringan tumbuhan, peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi nama-nama jaringan tumbuhan. 

12. Disajikan pernyataan mengenai salah satu fungsi organel sel, peserta didik dapat menentukan fungsi dari salah satu organel sel penghasil energi pada sel hewan.

13. Disajikan tabel pasangan macam-macam nutrisi beserta fungsinya, peserta didik dapat menentukan pasangan yang tepat antara macam nutrisi beserta fungsinya dengan tepat. 

14. Peserta didik dapat menyebutkan cara terjadinya proses penyerapan nutrisi yang terjadi dalam sistem pencernaan manusia. 

15. Disajikan grafik faktor pengaruh denyut jantung berdasarkan frekuensi denyut jantung dengan berbagai aktivitas manusia, peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan faktor pengaruh denyut jantung berdasarkan aktivitas dengan frekuensi denyut jantung dengan tepat. 

16. Disajikan tabel mengenai aglutinogen dan aglutinin, peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi jenis golongan darah berdasarkan pasangan aglutinogen dan aglutinin dengan tepat. 

17. Disajikan dua gambar aktivitas manusia, peserta didik dapat menganalisis pengaruh pada organ-organ atau fungsi sistem pernapasan berdasar kedua gambar tersebut dengan tepat. 

18. Peserta didik dapat menganalisis perbandingan risiko antara perokok pasif dan perokok aktif.  

19. Disajikan grafik mengenai hubungan antara konsumsi jumlah kafein dengan volume urin yang
dihasilkan, peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan hubungan antara konsumsi jumlah kafein dengan volume urin yang dihasilkan dengan tepat.

20. Disajikan gambar nefron, peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian nefron beserta fungsinya dengan tepat. 

21. Peserta didik dapat menyebutkan urutan organisasi kehidupan pada tingkat molekuler dan
tingkat seluler.

22. Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan dua jenis penyakit yang berhubungan dengan sistem pencernaan manusia. 

23. Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan alur atau skema peredaran darah besar dan peredaran darah kecil pada manusia.  

24. Disajikan skema pembekuan darah, peserta didik dapat menyebutkan proses pembekuan darah dengan tepat.  

25. Peserta didik dapat menyebutkan dua bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam rokok beserta dengan pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan. 

Sabtu, 28 September 2024

Discussion of Daily Assessment Questions for Class 7 Middle School Science and Measurements Material

There are a discussion the daily assessment questions for class 7 science and measurement material. It questions are not the same as the questions in the daily assessment, but the main questions are the same. There are 10 question with the answer and its explanation. 

Question Number 1

Handi wants to measure the period of a simple pendulum. Which two measuring instruments would be most appropriate for this experiment?

A. Stopwatch and thermometer 
B. Stopwatch and meter ruler 
C. Spring balance and caliper 
D. Vernier calipers and protractor


B. Stopwatch and meter ruler 


The period of a pendulum is the time it takes to complete one full swing. To measure the period, you need to measure the time it takes for the pendulum to swing back and forth once. A stopwatch is the ideal instrument for measuring time.

The length of the pendulum also affects its period. Therefore, you need to measure the length of the pendulum. A meter ruler is the most suitable instrument for measuring length in this case.

Question Number 2

Toni is a scientist. He is studying the movement of a planet around the sun. Which skill is he using when she analyzes the planet's position at different points in time and its distance from the sun?

A. Communicating 
B. Observing 
C. Interpreting data 
D. Using space-time relationship


D. Using space-time relationship


The scientist is analyzing how the planet's position and distance change over time. This involves understanding the relationship between space (position and distance) and time. Therefore, she is using the skill of using space-time relationships.

Question Number 3

Two different thermometers are used to measure the temperature of a liquid. The results are as follows:

  • Thermometer A reads 27.0 degrees Celsius.
  • Thermometer B reads 27.7 degrees Celsius.

The actual temperature of the liquid is 27.7 degrees Celsius.

What conclusion can be drawn from these results?

A. Thermometer B is more sensitive than thermometer A. 
B. Thermometer B is less sensitive than thermometer A. 
C. 27.0 degrees Celsius is more accurate than 27.7 degrees Celsius. 
D. Both readings obtained in the experiment are consistent.


A. Thermometer B is more sensitive than thermometer A


Thermometer B can detect a smaller change in temperature (0.7 degrees Celsius) compared to thermometer A. This indicates that thermometer B is more sensitive.

Question Number 4

The diagram below shows a micrometer screw gauge reading. What is the diameter of the object being measured?

A. 6.05 mm 
B. 6.58 mm 
C. 6.78 mm 
D. 6.88 mm


C. 6.78 mm 


To find the diameter, we add the reading from the main scale and the circular scale.

  • Main scale reading: 6.5 mm
  • Circular scale reading: 28 divisions * 0.01 mm/division = 0.28 mm

Total diameter = 6.5 mm + 0.28 mm = 6.78 mm

Therefore, the correct answer is C. 6.78 mm 

Question Number 5

Hesti followed the steps below when conducting an experiment in his science laboratory. 
• She filled a beaker partially with water. 
• She weighed a stone with a spring balance and it weighs 0.25 N.
• She dipped the stone into the water in the beaker and weighed it with a spring balance.

What will happen to the weight of the stone dipped in water? 

A.  It will remain as 0.25 N. 
B.  It will be more than 0.25 N. 
C.  It will be less than 0.25 N. 
D.  It will have no weight.


C.  It will be less than 0.25 N. 


The correct answer is C. When an object is submerged in a fluid, it experiences an upward force called buoyancy. This force acts opposite to the weight of the object, effectively reducing its apparent weight.

Question Number 6

Which eye positions would result in a parallax error when measuring the volume of the liquid? What is the correct reading for the volume of the liquid?


D. P, Q, S 21 ml 


A parallax error occurs when the observer's eye is not directly aligned with the meniscus (the curved upper surface of a liquid in a tube). This can lead to an inaccurate reading of the volume.

  • Positions P, Q, and S would all result in a parallax error because the observer's eye is not directly aligned with the meniscus.
  • Position R is the closest to being directly aligned with the meniscus, but it is still slightly off.
  • The correct reading for the volume of the liquid is 21 mL. This is the reading that would be obtained if the observer's eye was perfectly aligned with the meniscus.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. P, Q, S; 21 mL.

Question Number 7

The boiling point of water varies at different altitudes, ranging from 90°C to 140°C. Which of the following Celsius thermometers would give the most accurate reading of the boiling point at different altitudes?




The question asks us to select the most suitable thermometer for measuring the boiling point of water at different altitudes.

The boiling point of water is not always 100°C. It varies depending on the atmospheric pressure, which is affected by altitude. Generally, at higher altitudes, the atmospheric pressure is lower, and therefore, the boiling point of water is lower.

Let's analyze each option:

  • Option A: This thermometer has a temperature range up to 80°C. If the boiling point of water is higher than 80°C (for example, at lower altitudes), this thermometer will not be able to measure accurately.
  • Option B: This thermometer also has a limited temperature range, up to 95°C. Similar to option A, this thermometer will not be able to measure boiling points higher than 95°C.
  • Option C: This thermometer has a temperature range from 0°C to 100°C. Similar to option A, this thermometer will not be able to measure boiling points higher than 140°C.
  • Option D: This thermometer has a temperature range from 50°C to 150°C. This range is wide enough to measure the varying boiling points of water, from 90°C to 140°C at different altitudes.


Of the four options, thermometer D is the most suitable for measuring the varying boiling points of water at different altitudes. It has a suitable temperature range and a clear scale, allowing for accurate measurements.

Therefore, the correct answer is D.

Question Number 8

James wants to measure the thickness of a piece of wire. He wrapped the wire around the pencil tightly to a length of 2.1 cm. The wire is wrapped around the pencil with 25 turns of the wire. what is the thickness of the wire?

A. 0.084 cm
B. 0.9 cm
C. 2.1 cm   
D. 12.1 cm


A. 0.084 cm


to calculate the thickness (diameter) of the wire, we need to first determine the length of a single wrap. Since the wire was wrapped 25 times to cover a length of 2.1 cm, the length of one wrap is:

2.1 cm / 25 = 0.084 cm

Question Number 9

The figure shows a footprint found on a wet floor.

What is the estimated area of the footprint? 

A.  8 cm3 
B. 14 cm3 
C. 17 cm3 
D. 22 cm3


D. 22 cm3


To estimate the area of the footprint, we can count the number of complete squares inside the outline of the footprint and then estimate the area of the partial squares.

  1. Count the complete squares: Count the number of squares that are entirely within the footprint.
  2. Estimate partial squares: For the squares that are only partially covered by the footprint, estimate the fraction of the square that is covered. For example, if half of a square is covered, count it as 0.5.
  3. Add up the counts: Add up the number of complete squares and the estimated fractions of squares to get the total area.

Question Number 10

What is the main advantage of using the International System of Units (SI)?

A. It is the most accurate system of measurement. 
B. It is the oldest system of measurement. 
C. It is the most widely used system of measurement. 
D. It is the only system of measurement that is understood globally.


D. It is the only system of measurement that is understood globally.


The International System of Units (SI) is a standardized system of measurement that is used worldwide. This means that scientists, engineers, and other professionals from different countries can communicate and collaborate effectively using SI units, as they are understood and recognized globally.

This eliminates any confusion or misunderstandings that may arise due to the use of different measurement systems in different regions.

  • Options A and B: These options are likely too low, as they do not account for all the area covered by the footprint.
  • Option C: This option might be slightly too low, depending on how the partial squares are estimated.

Therefore, Option D (22 cm²) is the most likely estimate for the area of the footprint.

Rabu, 18 September 2024

International Grade 7 Science Tryout Question Grid 2024

1. Students can correctly identify the branch of Earth Science represented by a picture of the solar system.

2. Students can correctly identify the substance associated with a given hazard symbol.

3. Students can correctly identify the independent variable in an experiment about  plants to see how different liquids affect plant growth.

4. Students can correctly identify which quantity among a given list is not included in the base quantities of the International System of Units (SI).

5. Students can correctly identify the SI unit based a picture of measuring tool.

6. Students can correctly identify the most appropriate measuring instrument for determining the diameter of a ring.

7. Students can correctly determine the mass of an object using a lever balance and provide the measurement in grams,

8. Students can correctly conclude about uses two different measuring instruments to measure the volume of liquid.  

9. Students can correctly determine the actual length of a toothbrush based on the given picture and provide the measurement in appropriate units. 

10. Students can correctly identify the action that should not be done inside the laboratory based on the given picture.

11. Students can correctly explain that when a solid is melting, its particles move farther apart. 

12. Students can correctly identify the change of state for ice cubes placed in an empty glass after an hour. 

13. Students can correctly identify the state of matter (solid, liquid, or gas) of substance X at room temperature based on the arrangement of its particles shown in the figure. 

14. Students can correctly identify that diffusion occurs faster in a gas than in a liquid. 

15. Students can correctly identify the pair that is matched correctly based on the information provided (process change of matter and its example) in the table.

16. Students can correctly identify that the study of speed and motion of an object falls under. 

17. Students can correctly arrange the steps of a scientific investigation in the correct order. 

18. Students can correctly identify the amount of fertilizer as the “independent variable”.

19. Students can correctly determine which student finished the quiz the fastest based on the given picture of the stopwatch.

20. Students can correctly calculate the difference in volume between the stone and the cork based on the given picture.