

Kamis, 23 September 2021

The Grid Question of Science Mid Term Examination of International Class 2021

Assalamualaikum warohamtuloohi wabarokatuh

How are the students in class VIII-G and VIII-H? Hopefully you will always be in a healthy condition and stay enthusiastic in carrying out science mid term examination of International Class. There are 8 multiple choice questions questions and 2 essay for this exam. Here are there materials for mid term science examination of class VIII-G and VIII-H : 

1. Student can explain about acceleration, speed, and velocity.

2. Presented the graphic velocity of the object, students can determine the object when speeding up and slow down.

3. Student can calculate the distance when the object moves at 30 m/s for 3 minutes.

4. Studenst can determine the characteristics of action based from third newton's law.

5. Presented a picture of movements plant, students can mention the right type of movements plant based on that picture.

6. Students can mention the example of short bones and long bones.

7. Presented the example of two bones, students can determine the types of joint

8. Students can mention the type of muscle tissue in human digestive system and in heart.

9. Students can calculate if the object's move 10 meters per second, how long when it is moves 2000 meters.

10. Presented a list of kind of type motion in daily life, students can mention into the right types motion.

Hopefully the students of class VIII-G and VIII-H will be given fluency in answering science tryout which will be held on Friday, September 24, 2021. Keep the enthusiasm for learning and always keep your health. Aamin

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh.

Selasa, 14 September 2021

Kisi-Kisi Soal PTS IPA 2021 Kelas Nasional

Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh. Bagaimana kabar peserta didik kelas VIII? Semoga kalian semua dalam kondisi sehat dan tetap semangat belajar ya di tengah pandemi covid -19 ini. Berikut bapak sampaikan kisi-kisi untuk belajar Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS). Ada 8 soal pilihan ganda dan 2 soal uraian. Semoga bermanfaat.

  1. Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan pengertian dari perpindahan dan jarak.
  2. Disajikan gambar tetesan oli pada mobil yang sedang bergerak, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis gerak lurus beraturan dipercepat atau gerak lurus beraturan diperlambat beserta dengan arahnya.
  3. Disajikan empat gambar sebuah benda yang didorong dengan berbagai gaya, peserta didik dapat menentukan urutan resultan gaya pada benda tersebut dari yang resultan gaya paling besar hingga resultan gaya yang paling kecil.
  4. Disajikan data mengenai percepatan dan gaya suatu benda, peserta didik dapat menghitung massa bendanya.
  5. Disajikan gambar tulang tengkorak dan tulang wajah, peserta didik dapat menentukan nama tulang yang terdapat pada gambar tersebu. 
  6. Disajikan gambar seorang atlet sedang bermain badminton, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis sendi yang sedang dilakukan atlet tersebu. 
  7. Disajikan gambar tumbuhan yang sedang bergerask, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis gerak tumbuhan berdasar gambar tersebut.
  8. Disajikan data yang terkait dengan pergerakan ikan di dalam air, peserta didik dapat menentukan pendukung ikan dalam melakukan gerak di dalam air.
  9. Disajikan gambar gerakan tubuh manusia, peserta didik dapat menentukan jenis gerak otot yang terjadi berdasarkan gambar tersebut.
  10. Peserta didik dapat menentukan contoh-contoh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sesuai penerapan hukum newton 1, 2, dan 3.

The Grid of Try Out Science International Class (VIII-G and VIII-H)


Assalamualaikum warohamtuloohi wabarokatuh

How are the students in class VIII-G and VIII-H? Hopefully you will always be in a healthy condition and stay enthusiastic in carrying out science try out International Class. There are 15 multiple choice questions questions for this exam. Here are there materials for try out science of class VIII-G and VIII-H : 

1. Student can explain about acceleration and velocity

2. Presented the graphic velocity of the object, students can determine the object when speeding up and slow down.

3. Studenst can determine the characteristics of velocity based from newton's law 1, 2, and 3.

4. Student can calculate the distance when the object moves at 50 miles for 10 minutes.

5. Presented the statement about a kind of force, students can determine a kind of force based on this statement.

6. Presented the picture of resultant force, students can calculate the amount of resultant force and its direction.

7. Presented the data about the velocity of object and its time, students can calculate the acceleration of the object.

8. Presented four graphics of velocity an object, students can determine the object's constant velocity.

9. Presented a picture of plant, students can determine the types of plant movement based on that picture.

10. Presented a picture of bean's growth, students can determine the types of plant movement based on that picture.

11. Presented the characteristic of bones, students can determine the types of bones based on bone's structure.

12. Students can mention the axial bones and the appendicular bones.

13. Presented the body movement, students can determine the types of joint action based on that picture.

14. Students can mention the type of muscle tissue in human digestive system and in heart.

15. Presented a kind of disorders of bones, student can determine the type of disorders of bones based on that pictue

Hopefully the students of class VIII-G and VIII-H will be given fluency in answering science tryout which will be held on Thursday, September 16, 2021. Keep the enthusiasm for learning and always keep your health. Aamin

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh.